Monday, June 23, 2014

Library Golf

Both of my libraries are constantly trying to come up with some new and different activities to keep patrons coming in.  Spring break always poses a big dilemma for us.  Sometimes the weather is nice and people want to be outside.  Sometimes the weather is horrible and people need things to do.  Sometimes it feels like 99% of the people in town have high tailed it out of town and we are the only ones there. 

This year both the libraries decided to give Library Mini Golf a try during spring break.  It was a success!  In fact, we had many people who were upset that they had missed it.  So one of the libraries plans on bringing it back in August.  You know, when it is so hot outside that no one wants to out in the sun (at least we hope!)

Here are a couple of pictures of two of our mini golf holes.  One library was able to find space for 8 holes.  The other just had 5.  We just used what we had on hand, our director brought in some putters and golf ball, we printed off some score cards and we were good to go!

P.S. The top picture has some oatmeal containers that we used.  I had an elderly lady come in with 3 or 4 empty oatmeal containers in February.  She told me that the library needed them because it was almost March.  I was confused and she whispered-- windmill time.  No one was sure what exactly she meant but they sure made good mini golf obstacles.   

Monday, June 16, 2014

Myths that patrons continue to believe.........

Each and every day someone comes in with a new idea about what it must be like to work in a library......sometimes they fall back to what libraries used to be....sometimes they are just plain funny and occasionally I must just shake my head and wonder where they came up with that one......

Myths of the library

1. Librarians read all day long: Sadly this is just not the case.  In fact, if I was caught reading and enjoying a book at work I would definitely be in trouble.....sitting and reading isn't allowed for staff.  There is so much more that must be done--- shelving books, straightening books (oh the joys of junior fiction and non fiction which are never in order), cleaning (dust anyone?), checking the audio book cd's for scratches, or maybe making popcorn for a movie later.  Reading is just not in the list of approved activities in our libraries.  If one wishes to read, one can do it on their own time-- at lunch break or at home!

2. Librarians have read all the books in the library: I have a couple of patrons who constantly ask me if I have read every book that they pick up.  No......I love to read but I haven't had the chance to read every book in the library.  I have to work.  I have kids.  I have school.  Time is just not on my side!

3. Librarians are always at the library: Okay I am pretty sure most adults don't think that we live there--although the way some go one when their favorite library staff has a day off, you would think so.  Often as we are getting ready to close up for the night, I have kids ask why we are closing.  I usually say that the books need their rest and that we need to go home to see our families.  This usually gives them something to think about-- like how can I have a family??! 

4. That Librarians sit at a desk all day long: I had a doctor that told me that he was pretty sure that was all library staff did-- cause that is what he saw when he went into his library.  Well maybe if you go to a larger library where you have your work assignments divided up more.  At my libraries-- nope!  I am up and down all day long.  Once books are checked in, they don't walk themselves back to their shelves (oh how I wish some days).  Patrons often want help finding where a book is-- pointing just doesn't work most of the time.  We check out a lot of movies-- which means you have to get up to get the actual movie for the patron.  So even if I was stuck behind the desk most of the day-- I am still up and down, in and out more than sitting on my behind.  I don't see that doctor anymore---- :-)

This is just a start.....  what myths do you constantly struggle with? 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Welcome to my world-- I am currently working on my MLIS and work for two small libraries.   I created this blog to discuss the good-- the bad-- and the things that make you think when working in a library.  If you have ever thought about working in a library, currently work in one or just think we have a super easy job, then come along for the journey.  It definitely isn't all about reading books all day long!